Seven Last Words: "Behold Your Mother"

Seven Last Words: "Behold Your Mother"

Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home. (John 19:25-26)Nine-year-old Zoe was crying with her brothers and sisters around their dying mothe...
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An Irish Tale: St. Brigid of Ireland and How Stories Become History

An Irish Tale: St. Brigid of Ireland and How Stories Become History

There is little doubt that one of our newest books, Brigid and the Butter, is based on folklore about St. Brigid of Ireland rather than on fact. Does that make it any less compelling for children to read? Our tradition says no: Jesus himself used parables (stories) to illustrate what he was talking about, and folklore (stories) often tells us more about who we are than any law or date can ever do. The farther back in time we go, the less we tend to know about people. Sometimes no one writes...
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Christ in Our Midst

Christ in Our Midst

If there is one theme that many of the saints return to again and again, it’s this: the absolute requirement that we have as Christians is to see Christ in everyone, to see God’s hand in everything. The Gospels tell us, Pope Francis tells us, Mother Teresa tells us…and, in the early part of the 20th century, an Englishwoman named Caryll Houselander told us, as well, in words that still resonate today: There are many people in the world who cultivate a curious state which ...
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5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About St. Patrick

5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About St. Patrick

Everyone knows about St. Patrick. Or, rather, everyone thinks they know about St. Patrick. He was Irish, right? And he drove the snakes out of Ireland? And he has something to do with…green beer?
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Taking a Deep Breath

Taking a Deep Breath

Inner peace. It’s what everyone is looking for, isn’t it? It has to be: there are hundreds of self-help books flooding the marketplace, each of them claiming to give readers the path to inner contentment. DVDs walk us through mindfulness meditations, herbal “remedies” claim to calm our anxieties, yoga classes urge us to breathe deeply and discover our inner self.And yet something isn’t working. Everyone is still waiting for the next book, the next video, the next cl...
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Pray To Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 2

Pray To Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 2

Welcome to the Online Lenten Book Club!During these six weeks of Lent, we are reading and reflecting on the classic on prayer, Pray To Your Father in Secret by Jean Lafrance. For more information about the book club, visit this blog post. Week 2, Section 1 - The God of DialogueFr. Lafrance urges us to walk in the steps of God’s people in Scripture. As Moses discovered, God isn’t accessible through our minds: he is mystery. Moses, Elijah, and the psalmist all knew ...
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#PutOthersFirst: For All the Saints: Venerable Thecla Merlo

#PutOthersFirst: For All the Saints: Venerable Thecla Merlo

In 1922 Teresa Merlo made her vows, along with nine other women, as Daughters of St. Paul, a new community in the Church with a very unique mission.As her name suggests, Thecla was dedicated to the mission of serving God through media and communications. As she told her sisters, “Our Master dwells in the Tabernacle. From there he preaches to our mind and heart by means of the Gospel… We must always live united to Jesus. The Holy Trinity dwells in those persons who are united to Jesu...
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Saint Brigid: the Story of the Woman who is Patron of Ireland

Saint Brigid: the Story of the Woman who is Patron of Ireland

St. Brigid and St. Patrick are Ireland‘s two patron saints, and among the most famous. But whereas we know a lot about St. Patrick, we only have three contemporary sources of information about St. Brigid—and two of them contradict each other!That hasn’t stopped many people from being devoted to her. Here’s a beautiful prayer to St. Brigid:Brigid of the Mantle, encompass us,Lady of the Lambs, protect us,Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.Beneath your mantle, gather us,And res...
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Seven Last Words: “Today you will be with me in Paradise."

Seven Last Words: “Today you will be with me in Paradise."

“I just can’t wait.” How many times do I say this? To be put on hold or made to wait unnecessarily because of some controlling tactic by another person is one of the most frustrating experiences in our lives. If you look up “Waiting is Deadly” on the Internet, the top matches are quotes from people trying to deal with government offices (no surprise there!), immigration visa departments, and especially from prisoners… and everyone I know has had been made a &...
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In Times of Trouble, Turn to God

In Times of Trouble, Turn to God

There is perhaps only one thing that people of all nations, all political parties, all beliefs, and all races can agree upon: the world is in turmoil. The planet may have already suffered irreversible damage. The situation in Syria is perhaps the worst humanitarian crisis of all time. The United States is so politically polarized that family members cannot speak civilly with each other. Children go to bed hungry, and people pass the homeless on the street with no more than a cursory glance. ...
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