Archive by author: Daughters of St.PaulReturn
How To Find Solace in Suffering

How To Find Solace in Suffering

There may have been no more exciting—and frightening!—time to be alive in Europe than on the eve of the invention of the printing press, with the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation already blowing winds of change through the Church. Perhaps it is precisely because of those winds howling outside that the young Thomas à Kempis (his name simply means Thomas from Kempis) wanted above all a quiet life. He was determined, it is said, that nothing would happen to him in his life...
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Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 5

Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 5

Welcome to the Online Lenten Book Club!During these six weeks of Lent, we are reading and reflecting on the classic on prayer, Pray To Your Father in Secret by Jean Lafrance.  For more information about the book club, visit this blog post.  You can find Pray To Your Father in Secret at . Week 5, Chapter 4 - The Dialogue with GodYour real center of gravity is in adoration, in reaching ever upward. Too many people fall into the habi...
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Wedding Bells are ringing!

Wedding Bells are ringing!

The “Save the Dates” and wedding invitations have probably started arriving in your mailbox. A sure sign that wedding season is about to begin! However, it isn’t all delicate envelopes and elegant fonts. It takes an especially careful attention to detail to get this precious mail to your doorstep. For the engaged couple, bridesmaid, groomsman, or other wedding planner type, knowing how to assemble these details and ensure they make it to the right place at the right time t...
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Seven Last Words: "I Thirst"

Seven Last Words: "I Thirst"

I have many delightful memories of living in San Diego, at the corner of 5th and Cedar streets in the downtown area, between 1988 and 1995. And living there, just 30 minutes from Mexico, I also have my own exciting border-crossing story—though it might not be the kind you’re accustomed to hearing!The sun was not yet up, but Trinidad Keating was already knocking at our back door. We were expecting her, so I answered the door quietly and greeted her, then all four of the sisters and I ...
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Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 4

Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 4

Welcome to the Online Lenten Book Club!During these six weeks of Lent, we are reading and reflecting on the classic on prayer, Pray To Your Father in Secret by Jean Lafrance. For more information about the book club, visit this blog post. Week 4, Chapter 3 - The Working Out of SalvationWe read Scripture to integrate Christ’s life into our own lives, not just to hear his story. Everything we do—reading, praying, working—is to become one with Christ. We don&rs...
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Secret To Being Happy

Secret To Being Happy

Do you want to be happy? It seems an absurd question; everyone wants to be happy, right? But many people see happiness as a bluebird that comes and lights upon them and bestows joy without any effort on the person’s part. And yet it’s been the observation of many saints over the centuries that if you want to be happy, you have a big say in making it happen. And if you feel terribly unhappy, then that has something to do with you, too. Not with your actions, but with the sta...
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Seven Last Words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Seven Last Words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

God has asked his son to do the unthinkable: to offer himself up and submit to a death that he knew would take a long time and would be extremely agonizing. We have such a poignant image of Christ in Gethsemane, wrestling with his very human fear of pain, and begging his Father: Please, if it’s at all possible, don’t let this happen. And when it became clear that there would be no reprieve, Jesus accepted God’s will and did it.He’s been betrayed, shamed, scourged, even fo...
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Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 3

Pray to Your Father in Secret Lenten Book Club - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the Online Lenten Book Club!During these six weeks of Lent, we are reading and reflecting on the classic on prayer, Pray To Your Father in Secret by Jean Lafrance. For more information about the book club, visit this blog post. Week 3, Chapter 2 - The Way of SalvationThe world changed when God sent his son to become part of it; we have, in the process, become part of God, and he of us. We need to focus, daily, on a constant awareness of that presence.Our ...
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Why Are Easter Eggs Multi-Colored?

Why Are Easter Eggs Multi-Colored?

Well, the truth is that we don’t know!Eggs are regarded as a symbol of resurrection because they hold the seed of life within. The Egyptians and Greeks used to decorate eggs with different colors, and then eat them as part of their spring celebrations. Another ancient festival that used eggs is the Jewish Passover (also celebrated in the spring), during which it was customary to offer a hard-boiled egg dipped in salt water as a sacrifice to the temple in Jerusalem. Persians used to paint e...
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Saint Patrick and the Easter Fire

Saint Patrick and the Easter Fire

In 432, Saint Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland, arrived on the Emerald Isle to begin his work of evangelizing the Irish. Upon his arrival, he discovered that his competition for the souls of the people would come from the pagan druid religion and their priests. St. Patrick's struggle with the existing pagan priests truly began with one rebellious and bold act that reverberates throughout history. During the Druid springtime fire festival known as Beltane, there was a ritual where the pag...
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